Wednesday, May 04, 2005

~Kudos to Watterson~

Rolling on the floor and laughing out loud...thats one thing that ll end up happening when you set out to readCalvin and Hobbes...Here are a few strips i had great fun reading...

To the uninitiated, Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip about a kid (Calvin) and his stuffed tiger(Hobbes)...It was conceived ,as you might have guessed,by Watterson... Calvin is this hyper active kid with an extremely wild and vivid imagination and Hobbes plays a faithful accomplice...Calvin shares an inexplicable bond with Hobbes;the kid misses his stuffed toy more than anything in this world...

What might have caught your eye are the illustrations,none too detailed,but undoubtedly carry a lot of expression... The fact that Hobbes appears different in some comic strips is because to the world he s jus a stuffed toy...Ofcourse,Calvin thinks otherwise,Hobbes to him is huggable wild cat in the flesh...

The reason i feel that C&B has been so successful is because of Watterson's ability to see the world through the eyes of a six year old...Most of his works are based on underlying human behaviour,unlike other contemporary comics; that coupled with the cuteness that's Calvin makes it remarkable...He has made an indelible impact in millions world over,but to everyone's disappointment stopped his creative run in 1996...

Those few seconds that you might have spent laughing on reading the strips above must have been sheer bliss,getting your minds off things that might have been bothering you...Without people like him the world would be a helluva lot more gloomier...Kudos to Watterson...


Blogger anubhav said...

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7:53 AM  
Blogger anubhav said...

even i loved C& H but miss it now coz times doesnt print it .. i am thinking of switching to hindu..the only problem is it comes two days late over here...

7:54 AM  
Blogger Shivaram said...

Nice blog; keep it up!

8:06 AM  
Blogger The Doodler said...

I am completely ga-ga over Calvin and Hobbes. I have the entire collection and I read it dutifully on sundays with my morning coffee...:) Amazing, how a six year-old can philosophize about life! Good one.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Prashanth said...

hey shubha
C&B simply rocks na...i jus cant get enough...the man s a genius...

8:46 AM  
Blogger Prashanth said...

hey anubhav,
how come no posts recently...?

8:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love C&H. The expressions on Calvin's face portray a lot of things. I read C&H only thru some blogs like this and some pics my friends send me

I wish to have the whole collection. If u know of an online collection, can u plz let me know!

11:29 AM  
Blogger S m i t h a said...

Good ones! Loved them all... post some often willya?

11:42 PM  
Blogger Prashanth said...

hey smitha,
gimme ur email id , i ll forward some comic strips...but i m sure if u browse a bit u can find some...

12:59 PM  
Blogger ESIH said...

I'm just crazy abt Calvin n Hobbes!!Keep me posted on any link you can lay your hands upon abt this..:).

3:40 AM  
Blogger H.S. Dharmendra said...

Hi Prashanth, I was rolling in laughter reading Calvin's strip. I am a fan of this six year old and just cant have enough of him.

I also saw your sketches, they are good. You bring out the character in your subjects. Good work here. I will add you to my blog. Visit me sometime at


9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just can't say u've had enough when it comes to CnH.... :)

My PC's wallpaper changes per week, with a new strip of CnH each time. It somehow makes my day to have a look at 'em each time I get to see my desktop!!

One of my fav being -
"Hate the sin, Love the sinner"

With the expression that Calvin wears ... he's soo..oo very cute!!!

7:29 AM  

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