"Your past forms you, whether you like it or not. Each encounter,each experience has its own effects."
-dunno who said it
They say elephants never forget, neither do I. Okay, okay you can stop deriving the inference that I'm an elephant. I'm not. Actually I ve got a decent memory, but the funny characteristic of my hard drive is that it retains a lotta insignificant stuff and its these little things that I fail to forget.
And amongst these insignificant stuff are these nice little insiginificant stuff viz. faces of old friends n crushes and their phone numbers, some really old funny incident, a nice book that I'd read or a cheap limerick that I picked up in school.. There are those embarassing situations that you somehow get entangled into, which might include getting dressed as a village girl for a school dance jus because you were the shortest boy in your class.. and not for the fact that u looked pretty ... Then pensively, you recount those incidents when you felt that ur life didnt have direction/meaning and that u need to find a purpose to your life... This thought keeps popping up due to popular demand and it has recurred so many times that nowadays I jus by pass it..
You recall the times u felt you could never forgive God, like when He allows you to get beaten in a game of tennis by a kid half your age..(I'm not saying this particular incident happened to me) ...FYI, I'm a fairly good tennis player... Then there are those incidents that leave you basking in glory, like when u win the intra section quiz competition while studying in III "B"..
So, every now and then I like to rewind and re live such moments, and it never fails to bring a smile to my face... Jus reel backwards and shmmmiillle away ...